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Why You Should DEFINITELY Masturbate

 Laurel House Posted by Laurel House on

Masturbation feels good. Yes, we know. Plus, it can improve your sex life with Sliquid Swirl Flavored Lubricantsomeone else because you know what you like, therefore you know how to get someone else to get you there. But more than that, you get comfortable letting go. By giving yourself permission to let go, with yourself, you are getting comfortable with that feeling of being out of control. More than feeling good, masturbating is good for you! So, here a number of reasons why you should definitely masturbate! Just remember to use your favorite lubricant!

  1. Masturbation helps you sleep! When you orgasm, your muscles contract and then completely relax, and your mind stops racing, as it’s whole focus is on the intensely good feelings happening in your body. So, you are able to be completely present in the euphoric moment (not stressing about the future or fixating on the past). And when you are in the moment, you are able to feel how sleepy you are, and you finally allow yourself to doze off.
  1. Masturbation helps you relax. Just like the ease that comes over your mind and body allowing you to sleep at night, in the morning and during the day, your orgasm allows you to be totally present in your mind and body without the overlay of past and future stress and worry. It’s like pushing the delete button on your stress (or at least the pause button). Plus, orgasm helps lowers blood pressure and produces endorphins which ease stress.
  1. Masturbating makes you happy. It releases dopamine and oxytocin, two reward neurochemicals in your brain that are similar to a drug high.
  1. Masturbating makes you healthier! The cortisol that is released while ejaculating helps to regulate your immune system.
  1. Masturbating relieves cramps. By increasing blood flow to the pelvic area, stagnation is released, and cramps are relieved.
  1. Masturbation minimizes UTIs. Because of the surge of hormones, blood flow and juices, you are flushing out old bacteria and keeping your pipes clean and healthy.
  1. Masturbation helps control your orgasm during sex. If you tend to cum too quickly or soften frequently, masturbating may be your answer. You can learn how to control your timing with practice, and the best way to practice is solo. Masturbation strengthens your pelvic floor muscles, toning and strengthening the muscle, increasing your firmness.

Fleshlight Go Surge Realistic Vagina MasturbatorNow that you know WHY you should definitely masturbate, the question is HOW? You can do it the old-fashioned way: with your hands, or you can use a sex toy to help. But sex toys aren’t just for solo play for women, there are plenty of solo play sex toys for men, too, giving the sensation of being wrapped in a woman (which likely feels better than an old sock.) It's totally up to you whether to masturbate alone or as a couple to spice things up a bit.

So, the answer is YES! You should definitely masturbate!

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